About as

The Birher Law Firm offers comprehensive legal services in Hungarian, German, Italian and English languages. We have considerable professional experience in the fields of agricultural law, European law and adult education, and we supply legal representation for civil suit and / or extrajudicial cases. Besides the various national and international business associations and non-governmental organizations, we are proud to serve actors of the state administrations as our clients as well.

Our law office is dedicated to academic research, with special focus on legislation, legal theory and network legal theory. For us, law is much more than a set of rules – it is community value.

Dr. Nándor Birher, former vice dean of the Faculty of Law of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (KRE), presently associate professor, lecturer of legislation and theory of law and professor in the doctoral programme of the Faculty, serves as the senior lawyer of the firm. Dr. Ágnes Fücsök and Dr. Andrea Szigeti are associate attorneys and lawyers of the firm. In order to ensure the most effective and least time-consuming services, we employ other lawyers and trainee attorneys in the firm.

This website is run by Birher Law Firm, registered at the Budapest Bar Association (1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 7.), complying with the laws and professional regulations concerning lawyers which, alongside with the statement of client’s rights, can be found at www.magyarugyvedikamara.hu.

Please do not hesitate to contact us – get to know our colleagues here:

1051 Budapest, Mérleg u. 12. I/8.
Telefon: +36-1/296-2943
Fax: +36-88/999-290
E-mail: iroda@birherui.hu